Configure SAML groups in Deep Discovery Email Inspector to map to user groups in your identity provider.


  1. Go to AdministrationAccounts / ContactsSAML.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click Add to create a SAML group.
    • Click the name of a SAML group to configure the settings.
  3. Select a status option to enable or disable the SAML group.
  4. Type a claim value.
    A claim value identifies the role of a user in the response sent by the identity provider. Make sure you specify the same claim value for a user group in your identity provider and Deep Discovery Email Inspector.
  5. (Optional) Type a description for the SAML group.
  6. Select the role and associated permissions of the SAML group.
    • Administrator: Users have full access to submitted objects, analysis results, and product settings
    • Investigator: Users have read-only access to submitted objects, analysis results, and product settings, but can submit objects and download the investigation package, including submitted objects
    • Operator: Users have read-only access to submitted objects, analysis results, and product settings
    • EUQ: Users have full access to the EUQ console only
  7. Click Save.