Suspicious subjects are the email subjects of malicious or
suspicious email messages. Find trends in common keywords or other social
engineering techniques. Pretexting is the most common way to engage a victim. Look
for email subjects that appear familiar to targeted recipients (examples: holiday
party invitation, bank statement, or a common subject used in department
newsletters) that can trick your users into opening the email message. If users
trust the email subject, there is more chance that they will download a malicious
attachment or follow a phishing link that appears to be a legitimate request for
their domain credentials or customer information.
- Go to .
- Specify the search criteria.
- Email subject
- Period
- Press ENTER.All email messages matching the search criteria appear.
- View the results.HeaderDescriptionEmail SubjectView the email subject of the suspicious email message.DetectionsView the email messages with malicious or suspicious characteristics. Signature-based detection involves searching for known patterns of data within executable code or behavior analysis. Click the number to see more information about the suspicious message.High RiskView the detected messages with malicious characteristics.Medium RiskView the detected messages with characteristics that are most likely malicious.Low RiskView the detected spam messages or detected messages with content violations or suspicious characteristics.Spam/GraymailView the number of detected spam messages or graymail.Content ViolationView the number of detected messages with content violations.DLP IncidentView the number of detected messages with DLP incidents.View the number of email messages with embedded malicious links.View the number of file attachments that are detected by policy rules.Latest DetectionView the most recent occurrence of the detected message.