Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC) is an email validation system designed to detect and prevent email spoofing. DMARC is intended to combat certain techniques often used in phishing and email spam, such as email messages with forged sender addresses that appear to originate from legitimate organizations. DMARC provides a way to authenticate email messages for specific domains, send feedback to senders, and conform to a published policy.
DMARC is designed to fit into the existing inbound email authentication process of Deep Discovery Email Inspector. DMARC helps email recipients to determine if the purported message aligns with what the recipient knows about the sender. If not, DMARC includes guidance on how to handle the non-aligned messages.
DMARC requires the following:
  • A message that passes the SPF check
  • A message that passes the DKIM authentication check
  • Alignment of identifier domains
    Identifier alignment requires that a domain authenticated by SPF and DKIM is the same as the message header domain or parent domain.
By configuring DMARC settings, Deep Discovery Email Inspector allows you to specify actions to take on messages and add enforced peers to make sure email messages from certain sender domains always pass DMARC authentication.