An EUQ digest is a notification that Deep Discovery Email Inspector sends to inform users about email messages that were detected as spam and temporarily stored in the EUQ.
  • When Deep Discovery Email Inspector is registered to Deep Discovery Director 5.0 (or later), Deep Discovery Director provides central management of End-User Quarantine settings. After registration is successful, Deep Discovery Email Inspector performs the following actions:
  • Deep Discovery Email Inspector sends EUQ digests only if there are new quarantined messages since the last digest.
  • If Active Directory authentication is enabled, Deep Discovery Email Inspector does not send EUQ digests to user groups (or distribution lists).
  • If SMTP authentication is enabled and a detected message is sent to a distribution list, Deep Discovery Email Inspector sends EUQ digests to the distribution list.
An EUQ digest provides the following information:
  • Total spam message count: Total number of new email messages in the EUQ since the last notification
  • New spam message size: Size of the new email messages in the EUQ since the last notification
  • Message list: Summary of email messages detected as spam.
    • Sender: The sender email address
    • Subject: The email subject
    • Size: The message size, including attachments
    • Received: The time the message was received
    • Actions: Links that users can click to apply actions to quarantine messages or to add sender email address to the approved list
      Inline action links display only if you enable this feature on the EUQ Digest screen.