the service provider metadata from Deep Discovery Email
Inspector to provide to your identity provider.
On the SAML Authentication screen, the
Service Provider section displays the following service provider information:
Entity ID: Identifies the service provider application
Single Sign On URL: The endpoint URL responsible for receiving and parsing a SAML assertion (also referred to as "Assertion Consumer Service")
Single Sign Off URL: The endpoint URL responsible for initiating the SAML logout process
Certificate: The encryption certificate (verification certificate) in X.509 format
You can click the following in the Service Provide section:
Download Metadata: Downloads the Deep Discovery Email Inspector metadata file. You can import the metadata file on an Active Directory Federal Services (ADFS) identity provider.
Download Certificate: Downloads the Deep Discovery Email Inspector certificate file. You can import the certificate file on an OKTA identity provider.
Update Certificate: Uploads a new certificate on Deep Discovery Email Inspector.Deep Discovery Email Inspector supports certificates in X.509 PEM format.