
show network

Displays various Deep Discovery Email Inspector network configurations.
show network [arp <address> | connections | dns | dns ipv6| hostname | interface | route | route ipv4 | route default ipv4 | route default ipv6]
arp: Displays the value returned by the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) for the given address.
<address>: FQDN or IP address that will be resolved with the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP).
connections: Displays the current network connections of the Deep Discovery Email Inspector appliance.
dns: Displays the DNS IP address of the Deep Discovery Email Inspector appliance.
dns ipv6: Displays system DNS configuration for IPv6.
hostname: Displays the host name of the Deep Discovery Email Inspector appliance.
interface: Displays the network interface card (NIC) status and configuration.
route: Displays IP address route table.
route ipv4: Displays system IPv4 route table.
route default ipv4: Displays default IPv4 route table.
route default ipv6: Display default IPv6 route table.
To display the ARP information for the address
show network arp
To display the current network connections of the Deep Discovery Email Inspector appliance:
show network connections
To display the DNS configuration:
show network dns
To display system DNS configuration for IPv6:
show network dns ipv6
To display the host name of the Deep Discovery Email Inspector appliance:
show network hostname
To display the NIC status and configuration:
show network interface
To display the IP address route table:
show network route
To display system IPv4 route table:
show network route ipv4
To display system default IPv4 gateway:
show network route default ipv4
To display system default IPv6 gateway:
show network route default ipv6