Deep Discovery Email Inspector passes email messages containing only safe files, URLs, IP addresses, and domains without further investigation. If an email message contains one safe URL and another unknown URL, Deep Discovery Email Inspector investigates the unknown URL. Virtual Analyzer also ignores safe files and URLs during sandbox analysis.


  1. Go to PoliciesExceptionsObjects.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Specify file, URL, IP address, or domain exception criteria.
    • For files, select File for the type and then specify the SHA-1 hash value.
      Threat Connect correlates suspicious objects detected in your environment and threat data from the Trend Micro Smart Protection Network to provide relevant and actionable intelligence.
    • For URLs, select URL for the type and then specify the web address.
      Specify a complete URL or use a wildcard (*) for subdomains.
    • For IP addresses, select IP address for the type and then specify the web address.
    • For domains, select Domain for the type and then specify the web address.
  4. (Optional) Specify a note.
  5. (Optional) Click Add More to specify multiple file, URL, IP address, or domain exception criteria at the same time.
    1. Specify file, URL, IP address, or domain exception criteria.
    2. Click Add to List. The criterion is added to the object list.
  6. Click Save.
    After adding an object exception:
    • Click Delete to delete the selected entry.
    • Click Delete All to delete all entries in the list.
    • Click Export to download the selected entry as a CSV file.
    • Click Export All to download list as a CSV file.