Address domain rewriting or address masquerading modifies the domain information in email addresses, allowing you to hide hosts in a domain behind an email gateway (or Deep Discovery Email Inspector). Address domain rewriting makes it appear as if email messages originate from the gateway and not from individual endpoints.
  • Deep Discovery Email Inspector scans email messages and applies policy rules based on the rewritten email addresses.
  • Deep Discovery Email Inspector performs email submission, sender filtering, and sender authentication before email address modification.


  1. Go to AdministrationMail SettingsAddress Modification and click the Domain Rewriting .
  2. Select Enable domain rewriting to enable this feature.
  3. Select the location of the sender and recipient addresses to match.
  4. (Optional) Under User Name Exceptions, type one or more email address user names to bypass domain rewriting.
    User name exceptions have priority over domain exceptions.
  5. Under Settings, configure the domain rewrite and exception lists.
    Type a domain name and click Add to Rewrite List or Add to Exception List.
  6. Click Save.