
  1. In the Recipients section, choose either of the following ways to add recipient addresses from the drop-down list:
    • My organization: Select it to configure an organization-level policy.
      This option is available only if My organization was specified for your subaccount during subaccount creation. For details, see Adding and configuring a subaccount.
    • Specify:
      • My domains: Select domains from the available domains and click Add.
      • My LDAP groups: Select user groups from the available directory groups and click Add.
      • My address groups: Select address groups from the available address groups and click Add.
      • Type address or domain: Type a specific domain or wildcard address and click Add.
  2. In the Senders section, choose one of the following ways to specify sender addresses:
    • Anyone: Select it to apply any sender addresses for the policy rule.
    • My organization: Select it to apply email addresses sent from your organization for the policy rule.
    • Specify:
      • My domains: Select domains from the available domains and click Add.
      • My address groups: Select address groups from the available address groups and click Add.
      • Type address or domain: Type a specific domain or wildcard address and click Add.
  3. In the Exceptions section, specify one or multiple exceptions, each of which consists of a sender part and a recipient part.
    1. Next to Sender, choose one of the following ways to specify the sender part of an exception:
      • Anyone
      • My organization
      • My domains
      • My address groups
      • Type address or domain
    2. Next to Recipient, choose one of the following ways to specify the recipient part of an exception:
      • Anyone
      • My organization
      • My domains
      • My LDAP groups
      • My address groups
      • Type address or domain
    3. Click Add to add an exception composed of both the sender and recipient parts.
      The exception you added appears in the exception list.
      For example, if you select Anyone for the sender part and specify a specific email address for the recipient part, Trend Micro Email Security considers email messages sent from any senders to this recipient safe and bypasses the policy rule on these messages.
    4. Add more exceptions if necessary.
    The import and export functions are available for recipients, senders and exception lists. Click Import to import groups, addresses or domains from a local file. Click Export to export groups, addresses or domains as a local file for future use.
    A maximum of 500 records can be imported, and there is no upper limit for export.
  4. Proceed to the next screen to specify policy rule scanning criteria.