The Volume chart on the Summary tab of Dashboard displays the total number of accepted and blocked messages and the total percentage of blocked messages.
Select a time period by Date, Week, Month, or Last 12 months to show data for the selected time period.
The specified time period only affects the data shown on this chart and its corresponding thumbnail chart on the Threats tab. Changing these selections does not affect other charts.
The following is the specific data displayed:

Detected Values on Charts

Detected Values
For Incoming Mail
For Outgoing Mail
The number of email messages blocked by connection-based filtering at the MTA connection level or by Trend Micro Email Security incoming security filtering
This value does not include messages blocked by content-based filtering.
The number of messages blocked using Trend Micro Email Security relay mail service filtering
Possible reasons for blocking include:
  • Recipient address is not resolvable (such as someone@???.com).
  • Spammers forged the mail sender address so the message appears to be coming from the customer domain.
  • The customer's MTA is compromised and is sending spam messages (for example, it is an open relay).
The number of email messages passed by connection-based filtering at the MTA connection level or by Trend Micro Email Security incoming security filtering
The number of messages passed by Trend Micro Email Security relay mail service filtering
Blocked %
The percentage of email messages blocked by connection-based filtering at the MTA connection level or by Trend Micro Email Security incoming security filtering
The percentage of messages blocked by Trend Micro Email Security relay mail service filtering
The total number of email messages processed