The Bandwidth chart on the Other Statistics tab of Dashboard displays the total size of email messages scanned by Trend Micro Email Security.
Select a time period by Date, Week, Month, or Last 12 months to show data for the selected time period.
The specified time period only affects the data shown on this chart and its corresponding thumbnail chart on the Threats tab. Changing these selections does not affect other charts.
The traffic direction does not change the data displayed on charts. The following is the specific data displayed:

Detected Values on Charts

Detected Values
For Incoming Mail
For Outgoing Mail
Not Quarantined
The total size of email messages that Trend Micro Email Security did not quarantine
The total size of email messages that Trend Micro Email Security quarantined
By default, no messages are quarantined. To begin using the quarantine, select a quarantine action for one or more policy rules.
Total Size
The total size of email messages scanned by Trend Micro Email Security