To save disk space, the Disk Cleaner Tool (TMDiskCleaner.exe) identifies and deletes unused backup, log, and pattern files from the following directories:

  • {Security Agent}\AU_Data\AU_Temp\*

  • {Security Agent}\Reserve

  • {Security Server}\PCCSRV\TEMP\* (except hidden files)

  • {Security Server}\PCCSRV\Web\Service\AU_Data\AU_Temp\*

  • {Security Server}\PCCSRV\wss\*.log

  • {Security Server}\PCCSRV\wss\AU_Data\AU_Temp\*

  • {Security Server}\PCCSRV\Backup\*

  • {Security Server}\PCCSRV\Virus\* (Deletes quarantined files older than two weeks, except the NOTVIRUS file)

  • {Security Server}\PCCSRV\ (keeps the latest pattern only)

  • {Security Server}\PCCSRV\lpt$ (keeps the latest three patterns only)

  • {Security Server}\PCCSRV\icrc$ (keeps the latest three patterns only)

  • {Security Server}\DBBackup\* (keeps latest two subfolders only)

  • {Messaging Security Agent}\AU_Data\AU_Temp\*

  • {Messaging Security Agent}\Debug\*

  • {Messaging Security Agent}\engine\vsapi\latest\pattern\*

  1. On the Security Server, go to the following directory: {Server Installation Folder}\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\
  2. Double-click TMDiskCleaner.exe.

    The Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security Disk Cleaner appears.


    Files cannot be restored.

  3. Click Delete Files to scan for and delete unused backup, log, and pattern files.