The System section of the Global Settings screen contains options to automatically remove inactive Agents, check the connection of Agents, and maintain the quarantine folder.

  1. Go to Administration > Global Settings.
  2. Click the System tab and update the following as required:



    Inactive Security Agent Removal

    When you use the Security Agent uninstallation program on the client to remove the Agents from a client, the program automatically notifies the Security Server. When the Security Server receives this notification, it removes the client icon from the Security Groups Tree to show that the client no longer exists.

    However, if the Security Agent is removed using other methods, such as reformatting the computer’s hard drive or deleting the client files manually, the Security Server will be unaware of the removal and will display the Security Agent as inactive. If a user unloads or disables the Agent for an extended time, the Security Server also displays the Security Agent as inactive.

    To have the Security Groups Tree only display active clients, you can configure the Security Server to remove inactive Security Agents from the Security Groups Tree automatically.

    • Enable automatic removal of inactive Security Agent: Enables the automatic removal of clients that have not contacted the Security Server for the specified number of days.

    • Automatically remove a Security Agent if inactive for {} days: The number of days that a client is allowed to be inactive before it is removed from the web console.

    Agent Connection Verification

    Worry-Free Business Security represents the client connection status in the Security Groups Tree using icons. However, certain conditions may prevent the Security Groups Tree from displaying the correct agent connection status. For example, if the network cable of a client is accidentally unplugged, the agent will not be able to notify the Trend Micro Security Server that it is now offline. This agent will still appear as online in the Security Groups Tree.

    You can verify agent-server connection manually or schedule the verification from the web console.


    Connection Verification does not allow the selection of specific groups or agents. It verifies the connection of all agents registered with the Security Server.

    • Enable scheduled verification: Enables scheduled verification of agent-server connection.

      • Hourly

      • Daily

      • Weekly, every

      • Start time: The time the verification should start.

    • Verify Now: Instantly tests the connectivity.

    Quarantine Maintenance

    By default, Security Agents send quarantined infected files to the following directory in the Security Server:

    <Security Server installation folder>\PCCSRV\Virus

    If you need to change the directory (for example, if it has insufficient disk space), type an absolute path, such as D:\Quarantined Files, in the Quarantine Directory field. If you do this, be sure to also apply the same changes in Devices > {Group} > Configure Policy > Quarantine or agents will continue sending the files to <Security Server installation folder>\PCCSRV\Virus.

    In addition, configure the following maintenance settings:

    • Quarantine folder capacity: The size of the quarantine folder in MB.

    • Maximum size for a single file: The maximum size of a single file stored in the quarantine folder in MB.

    • Delete All Quarantined Files: Deletes all files in the Quarantine folder. If the folder is full and a new file is uploaded, the new file will not be stored.

    If you do not want agents to send quarantined files to the Security Server, configure the new directory in Devices > {Group} > Configure Policy > Quarantine and ignore all the maintenance settings. See Quarantine Directory for instructions.

    Security Agent Installation

    Security Agent Installation directory: During installation, you are prompted to type the Security Agent installation directory, which is where Setup installs each Security Agent.

    If needed, change the directory by typing an absolute path. Only future agents will be installed to this directory; existing agents maintain their current directory.

    Use one of the following variables to set the installation path:

    • $BOOTDISK: The drive letter of the boot disk

    • $WINDIR: The folder where Windows is installed

    • $ProgramFiles: The programs folder

  3. Click Save.