1. Go to Devices.
  2. Select a Messaging Security Agent.
  3. Click Configure Policy.

    A new screen appears.

  4. Click Web Reputation.

    A new screen appears.

  5. Update the following as required:
    • Enable Web Reputation

    • Security Level: High, Medium, or Low

    • Approved URL(s)

      • URLs to approve: Separate multiple URLs with semicolons (;). Click Add.


        Approving a URL implies approving all its sub domains.

        Use wildcards with caution as they may allow large sets of URLs.

      • Approved URL list: URLs in this list will not be blocked.

  6. Click the Action tab and select an action for the Messaging Security Agent to take when a web reputation policy is triggered (For descriptions, see Scan Targets and Actions for Messaging Security Agents):
    • Replace with text/file


      You cannot replace text from the From, To, Cc, or subject fields.

    • Quarantine message to user’s spam folder

    • Delete entire message

    • Tag and deliver

  7. Select Take action on URLs that have not been assessed by Trend Micro to treat unclassified URLs as suspicious. The same action specified in the previous step will be performed on email messages containing unclassified URLs.
  8. Select Notify recipients to set the Messaging Security Agent to notify the intended recipients when Web Reputation takes action against a specific email message.

    For various reasons, you may want to avoid notifying external mail recipients that a message containing malicious URLs was blocked. Select Do not notify external recipients to only send notifications to internal mail recipients. Define internal addresses from Operations > Notification Settings > Internal Mail Definition.

  9. Select Notify senders to set the Messaging Security Agent to notify the intended senders when Web Reputation takes action against a specific email message.

    For various reasons, you may want to avoid notifying external mail senders that a message containing malicious URLs was blocked. Select Do not notify external senders to only send notifications to internal mail senders. Define internal addresses from Operations > Notification Settings > Internal Mail Definition.

  10. Click Save.