Configure Email Reputation to block messages from known or suspected sources of spam. Additionally, create exclusions to allow or block message from other senders.

  1. Go to Devices.
  2. Select a Messaging Security Agent.
  3. Click Configure Policy.

    A new screen appears.

  4. Click Anti-spam > Email Reputation.

    A new screen appears.

  5. From the Target tab, update the following as required:
    • Enable real-time Anti-Spam (Email Reputation)

    • Service Level:

      • Standard

      • Advanced

    • Approved IP Addresses: Email messages from these IP addresses will never be blocked. Type the IP address to approve and click Add. If required, you can import a list of IP addresses from a text file. To remove an IP address, select the address and click Remove.

    • Blocked IP Addresses: Email messages from these IP addresses will always be blocked. Type the IP address to block and click Add. If required, you can import a list of IP addresses from a text file. To remove an IP address, select the address and click Remove.

  6. Click Save.
  7. Go to: to view reports.

    Email Reputation is a Web-based service. Administrators can only configure the service level from the web console.