Worry-Free Business Security reports contain the following information. The information displayed could vary depending on the options selected.
Report Item |
Description |
Antivirus |
Desktop/Servers Virus Summary Virus reports show detailed information about the numbers and types of virus/malware that the scan engine detected and the actions it took against them. The report also lists the Top virus/malware names. Click the names of the virus/malware to open a new web browser page and redirect it to the Trend Micro virus encyclopedia to learn more about that virus/malware. |
Top 5 Desktop/Servers with Virus Detections Displays the top five desktops or servers reporting virus/malware detections. Observing frequent virus/malware incidents on the same client might indicate that a client represents a high security risk that might require further investigation |
Anti-spyware |
Desktop/Servers Spyware/Grayware Summary The spyware/grayware report shows detailed information about the spyware/grayware threats detected on clients, including the number of detections and the actions that WFBS took against them. The report includes a pie chart that shows the percentage of each anti-spyware scan action that has been performed. |
Top 5 Desktop/Servers with Spyware/Grayware Detections The report also shows the top five spyware/grayware threats detected and the five desktops/servers with the highest number of spyware/grayware detected. To learn more about the spyware/grayware threats that have been detected, click the spyware/grayware names. A new web browser page opens and displays related information on the spyware/grayware on the Trend Micro website. |
Anti-spam summary (Advanced only) |
Spam Summary Anti-spam reports show information about the number of spam and phish detected among the total amount of messages scanned. It lists the reported false positives. |
Predictive Machine Learning |
Top 5 Programs Violating Predictive Machine Learning Policies |
Top 10 Computers Violating Predictive Machine Learning Policies |
Web Reputation |
Top 10 Computers Violating Web Reputation Policies |
URL category |
Top 5 URL Category Policies Violated Lists the most commonly accessed website categories that violated the policy. |
Top 10 Computers Violating URL Category Policies |
Behavior Monitoring |
Top 5 Programs Violating Behavior Monitoring Policies |
Top 10 Computers Violating Behavior Monitoring Policies | |
Device Control |
Top 10 Computer Violating Device Control Policy |
Content filtering summary (Advanced only) |
Content Filtering Summary Content filtering reports show information about the total number of messages that the Messaging Security Agent filtered. |
Top 10 Content Filtering Rules Violated A list of the top 10 content filtering rules violated. Use this feedback to fine-tune your filtering rules. |
Network Virus |
Top 10 Network Viruses Detected Lists the 10 network viruses most frequently detected by the common firewall driver. Click the names of the viruses to open a new web browser page and redirect it to the Trend Micro virus encyclopedia to learn more about that virus. |
Top 10 Computers Attacked List the computers on your network that report the most frequent virus incidents. |