- Navigate to Reports > One-time Reports.
- Perform the following tasks:
Generate a report
Click Add.
A new screen appears.
Configure the following:
Report name
Time Range: Limits the report to certain dates.
Content: To select all threats, select the Select All check box. To select individual threats, click the corresponding check box. Click the plus icon (+) to expand the selection.
Send the report to
Recipients: Type the recipients’ email addresses, separating them with semicolons (;).
Format: Choose PDF or a link to an HTML report. If you choose PDF, the PDF will be attached to the email.
Click Add.
View the report
Under the Report Name column, click the links to the report. The first link opens a PDF report while the second link opens an HTML report.
The data available in a report is influenced by the amount of logs available on the Security Server at the time the report was generated. The amount of logs changes as new logs are added and existing ones deleted. In Reports > Maintenance, you can manually delete logs or set a log deletion schedule.
For details on the content of the report, see Interpreting Reports.
Delete reports
Select the row containing the report links.
Click Delete.
Note:To automatically delete reports, navigate to Reports > Maintenance > Reports tab and set the maximum number of one-time reports that Worry-Free Business Security retains. The default is 10 one-time reports. When the number is exceeded, the Security Server deletes reports beginning with the report that has been retained for the longest time.