  1. Navigate to Updates > Source.
  2. Click the Update Agents tab.
  3. Perform the following tasks:



    Assign Security Agents as Update Agents

    1. In the Assign Update Agent(s) section, click Add.

      A new screen opens.

    2. From the list box, select one or more agents to act as Update Agents.

    3. Click Save.

      The screen closes.

    4. Back in the Assign Update Agent(s) section, select Update Agents always update directly from the Security Server only if you want Update Agents to always download updated components from the Security Server instead of another Update Agent.

    Configure Security Agents to update from Update Agents

    1. In the Alternative Update Sources section, select Enable alternative update sources for Security Agents and Update Agents.


      Disabling this option prevents Security Agents from updating from Update Agents, effectively switching their update source back to the Security Server.

    2. Click Add.

      A new screen opens.

    3. Type the IP addresses of the Security Agents that will update from an Update Agent.

      • Type an IPv4 address range.

        To specify a single Security Agent, enter the Security Agent’s IP address in both the from and to fields.

      • For IPv6, type an IP prefix and length.

    4. Select an Update Agent from the drop-down list.

      If the drop-down list is not available, no Update Agents have been configured.

    5. Click Save.

      The screen closes.

    6. Define more IP ranges as necessary. If you have defined several IP ranges, you can use the Reorder option to set the IP range priority. When the Security Server notifies Security Agents that updates are available, they scan the IP Range list to identify their correct update source. The Security Agent scans the first item on the list and continues down the list until it identifies its correct update source.


      Define several Update Agents for the same IP range as a failover measure. This means that if the Security Agents are unable to update from an Update Agent, they will try other Update Agents. To do this, create at least two (2) entries with the same IP range and assign each entry a different Update Agent.

    Remove Update Agents

    To remove an Update Agent and unassign all Security Agents assigned to it, go to the Assign Update Agent(s) section, select the check box corresponding to the Update Agent’s Computer Name, and click Remove.

    This action will not remove the Security Agents’ IP address range in the Alternative Update Sources section and will only cause the “orphaned” Security Agents to switch their update source back to the Security Server. If you have another Update Agent, you can assign it to the orphaned Security Agents.

    Unassign Security Agents from Update Agents

    If you no longer want Security Agents belonging to an IP address range to update from an Update Agent, go to the Alternative Update Sources section, select the check box corresponding to the Security Agents’ IP address range, and click Remove.

  4. Click Save.