- Navigate to Reports > Maintenance.
- Perform the following tasks:
Set the maximum number of reports and templates
You can limit the number of one-time reports, scheduled reports (per template), and templates available on the Security Server. When the number is exceeded, the Security Server deletes reports/templates beginning with the report/template that has been retained for the longest time.
Click the Reports tab.
Type the maximum number of one-time reports, scheduled reports, and report templates to retain.
Configure automatic deletion of logs
Click the Auto Log Deletion tab.
Select log types and specify the maximum age of the logs. Logs older than this value will be deleted.
Manually delete logs
Click the Manual Log Deletion tab.
For each log type, type the maximum age of the logs. Logs older than this value will be deleted. To delete all the logs, type 0.
Click Delete.
- Click Save.