Configuring Scheduled Downloads Parent topic

Configure scheduled downloading of components to keep your components up to date and your network secure. Control Manager supports granular component downloading. You can specify the component group and individual component download schedules. All schedules are autonomous of each other. Scheduling a download for a component group downloads all components in the group.
Use the Scheduled Download screen to obtain the following information for components currently in your Control Manager system:
  • Frequency: Shows how often the component updates
  • Enabled: Indicates if the schedule for the component is enabled or disabled
  • Update Source: Displays the URL or path of the update source
Configuring scheduled component downloads requires multiple steps:
  • Step 1: Configure a Deployment Plan for your components
  • Step 2: Configure your proxy settings, if you use a proxy server
  • Step 3: Select the components to update
  • Step 4: Configure the download schedule
  • Step 5: Configure the download settings
  • Step 6: Configure the automatic deployment settings
  • Step 7: Enable the schedule and save settings

Step 1: Configure a Deployment Plan for Your Components Parent topic


  1. Navigate to UpdatesDeployment Plan.
    The Deployment Plan screen appears.
  2. Click Add.
    The Add New Plan screen appears.
  3. Type a deployment plan name in the Name field.
  4. Click Add to provide deployment plan details.
    The Add New Schedule screen appears.
  5. Choose a deployment time schedule by selecting one the following options:
    • Start at: Performs the deployment at a specific time.
      Use the menus to designate the time in hours and minutes.
    • Delay: after Control Manager downloads the update components, Control Manager delays the deployment according to the interval that you specify.
      Use the menus to indicate the duration, in terms of hours and minutes.
  6. Select the Product Directory folder to which the schedule will apply. Control Manager assigns the schedule to all the products under the selected folder.
  7. Click Save.
    The Add New Plan screen appears.
  8. Click Save to apply the new deployment plan.

Step 2: Configure Your Proxy Settings (If You Use a Proxy Server) Parent topic


  1. Navigate to AdministrationSettingsProxy Settings.
    The Connection Settings screen appears.
  2. Select Use a proxy server for pattern, engine, and license updates.
  3. Select the protocol:
    • HTTP
    • SOCKS 4
    • SOCKS 5
  4. Type the host name or IP address of the server in the Server name or IP address field.
  5. Type a port number for the proxy server in the Port field.
  6. Type a logon name and password if your server requires authentication.
  7. Click Save.

Step 3: Select the Components to Update Parent topic


  1. Navigate to UpdatesScheduled Download.
    The Scheduled Download screen appears.
  2. From the Component Category area select the components to download.
    1. Click the + icon to expand the component list for each component group.
    2. Select the components to download. To select all components for a group, select:
      • All Pattern files/Cleanup templates
      • All Antispam rules
      • All Engines
      • OfficeScan Plug-in Programs
      • Product programs and widget pool
        The <Component Name> screen appears. Where <Component Name> represents the name of the selected component.

Step 4: Configure the Download Schedule Parent topic


  1. Select the Enable scheduled download check box to enable scheduled download for the component.
  2. Define the download schedule. Select a frequency, and use the appropriate drop down menu to specify the desired schedule. You may schedule a download by minutes, hours, days, or weeks.
  3. Use the Start time menus to specify the date and time the schedule starts to take effect.

Step 5: Configure the Download Settings Parent topic


  1. Select the update source:
    • Internet: Trend Micro update server: Download components from the official Trend Micro ActiveUpdate server.
    • Other update source: Type the URL of the update source in the accompanying field.
      After selecting Other update source, you can specify multiple update sources. Click the + icon to add an update source. You can configure up to five update sources.
  2. Select Retry frequency and specify the number of retries and duration between retries for downloading components.
    Click Save before clicking Edit or Deployment Plan on this screen. If you do not click Save your settings will be lost.
  3. If you use an HTTP proxy server on the network (that is, if the Control Manager server does not have direct Internet access), click Edit to configure the proxy settings on the Connection Settings screen.

Step 6: Configure the Automatic Deployment Settings Parent topic


  1. Select when to deploy downloaded components from the Automatic deployment settings area. The options are:
    • Do not deploy: Components download to Control Manager, but do not deploy to managed products. Use this option under the following conditions:
      • Deploying to the managed products individually
      • Testing the updated components before deployment
    • Deploy immediately: Components download to Control Manager, then deploy to managed products
    • Based on deployment plan: Components download to Control Manager, but deploy to managed products based on the schedule you select
    • When new updates found: Components download to Control Manager, and deploy to managed products when new components are available from the update source
    Click Save before clicking Edit or Deployment Plan on this screen. If you do not click Save your settings will be lost.
  2. Select a deployment plan after components download to Control Manager, from the Deployment Plan screen.
  3. Click Save.

Step 7: Enable the Schedule and Save Settings Parent topic


  1. Click the status button in the Enable column.
  2. Click Save.