Understanding the Managed Server List Parent topic

The Managed Servers screen shows the servers administrators can manage using policy management. Use the screen to add and edit managed products that do not have MCP agents.
When the Add button is disabled, policy management only supports managed products using MCP agents.
For managed products using MCP agents, Control Manager uses the Single Sign-on (SSO) function to access these products by default. Administrators can edit the authentication information for the following reasons:
  • The SSO function does not function properly
  • Administrators want to access the managed product using another account

Managed Server List

Menu Item
Displays the server name of the managed product.
Display Name
Displays the server display name of the managed product.
Displays the name of the managed product.
Connection Type
Displays how the managed product registers to Control Manager.
  • Automatic: The managed product registers to Control Manager through an MCP agent.
  • Manual: Administrators manually added the managed product to the Managed Servers screen.
Last Report
Shows the date and time when Control Manager received a response from the managed product.
  • Edit: Click this icon to update the server information.
  • Delete: Click this icon to delete a manually added server.
    Control Manager cannot remove servers registered using MCP agents.