PolicyServer MMC Interface Parent topic

The PolicyServer MMC interface contains the following panes:

PolicyServer MMC Interface

PolicyServer MMC Interface Description

Left (1)
Use the left pane to view users, groups, policies, devices, and agents. Expand a node to manage nested items within the tree structure. Opening an item updates the content in the right pane.
Right (2)
Use the right pane to modify policies, update user and group information, view reports, and maintain other functions. The exact format of the information shown in the right pane depend from the left pane.
Within the left pane tree structure, there are a number of different nodes. The following table describes each node:

PolicyServer MMC Tree Description

Enterprise Users
View all administrator and user accounts within the Enterprise. To see group affiliation, open the group and then click Users.
Enterprise Devices
View all instances of Endpoint Encryption agents and which Endpoint Encryption device they are connecting from. To see group affiliation, open the group and then click Devices.
Enterprise Policies
Control whether agents can connect to PolicyServer. Also, manage all enterprise policies. Group policies override enterprise policies.
Enterprise Log Events
View all log entries for the enterprise.
Enterprise Reports
Manage various reports and alerts. No group-only reports are available.
Enterprise Maintenance
Manage the PolicyServer MMC application plug-ins.
Recycle Bin
View deleted Endpoint Encryption users and devices.
Manage Endpoint Encryption users, devices, policies and log events for a collection of users.