Full Disk Encryption Status Widget Parent topic

The Full Disk Encryption Status widget shows the current encryption status of any Endpoint Encryption in the Enterprise.

Full Disk Encryption Status Widget

Full Disk Encryption Status Widget Description

The status of the Endpoint Encryption device. Statuses include:
  • Encrypted: The Endpoint Encryption device is 100% encrypted.
  • Encrypting: The Endpoint Encryption device is currently encrypting the hard disk. The status changes to Fully Encrypted once encryption completes and the endpoint restarts.
  • Not encrypted: The Endpoint Encryption device is 0% encrypted.
  • Decrypting: The Endpoint Encryption device is currently decrypting the hard disk. The status changes to Not Encrypted once the decryption completes and the endpoint restarts.
  • Unknown: The Endpoint Encryption device synchronized, but PolicyServer cannot determine the encryption status.
The percentage that the Endpoint Encryption device is encrypted.
The number of Endpoint Encryption devices with that current status. Click the number to view the Endpoint Encryption Devices report. For more information, see Full Disk Encryption Status Report.
At the bottom of the widget, click the number next to Total to view the Endpoint Encryption Status report. For more information, see Full Disk Encryption Status Report.