Adding Scheduled Reports Parent topic

Control Manager supports generating scheduled reports from Control Manager 3 and Control Manager 5 report templates. Users need to create Control Manager 5 report templates, while Trend Micro created Control Manager 3 report templates. The process for creating a scheduled report is similar for all report types:
  1. Access the Add Scheduled Report screen and select the report type.
  2. Specify the product/products from which the report data generates.
  3. Specify the date when the product/products produced the data.
  4. Specify the recipient of the report.

Step 1: Access the Add Scheduled Report Screen and Select the Report Type Parent topic


  1. Navigate to ReportsScheduled Reports.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Type a name for the report in the Name field.
  4. Type a meaningful description for the report in the Description field.
  5. Select the Control Manager template to generate the report:
    • Control Manager 5 report template:
      1. Select the Control Manager 5 template to generate the report. If the existing reports do not fulfill your requirements, create one from the Report Templates screen.
    • Control Manager 3 report template:
      1. Click Control Manager 3 under Report Content. The Control Manager 3 templates appear in the work area to the right, under Report Content.
      2. Select the report category on which to base the report.
      3. Select the Control Manager 3 template data on which to base the template.
  6. Select the report generation format:
    • Control Manager 5 report formats:
      • Adobe PDF Format (*.pdf)
      • HTML Format (*.html)
      • XML Format (*.xml)
      • CSV Format (*.csv)
    • Control Manager 3 report formats:
      • Rich Text Format (*.rtf)
      • Adobe PDF Format (*.pdf)
      • ActiveX
      • Crystal Report Format (*.rpt)
  7. Click Next.

Step 2: Specify the Product/Products from Which the Report Data Generates Parent topic


  1. Select the managed product or directory from which Control Manager gathers the report information.
  2. If the report contains data from a Network VirusWall Enforcer device, specify the clients from which the reports generate:
    • All clients: Reports generate from all Network VirusWall Enforcer devices
    • IP range: Reports generate from a specific IP address range
    • Segment: Reports generate from a specific network segment
  3. Click Next.

Step 3: Specify the Date that the Product/Products Produced the Data Parent topic


  1. Specify how often reports generate:
    • Daily: Reports generate daily.
    • Weekly: Reports generate weekly on the specified day.
    • Bi-weekly: Reports generate every two weeks on the specified day.
    • Monthly: Reports generate monthly on the first day of the month, the 15th of the month, or the last day of the month.
  2. Specify the data range:
    • Reports include data up to the Start the schedule time specified below: This means that a report could have up to 23 hours more data contained in the report. While this has a small affect on weekly or monthly reports, this can make a "daily" report with almost two days worth of data depending on the Start schedule time.
    • Reports include data up to 23:59:59 of the previous day: This means that data collection for the report stops just before midnight. Reports will be an exact time period (example: Daily reports will be 24 hours) but will not contain the absolute latest data.
  3. Specify when the report schedule starts:
    • Immediately: The report schedule starts immediately after enabling the report.
    • Start on: The report schedule starts on the date and time specified in the accompanying fields.
    1. Type a date in the mm/dd/yyyy field.
    2. Specify a time in the accompanying hh and mm fields.
    Click the calendar icon next to the mm/dd/yyyy field to use a dynamic calendar to specify the date range.
  4. Click Next.

Step 4: Specify the Recipient of the Report Parent topic


  1. Type a title for the email message that contains the report in the Subject field.
  2. Type a description about the report in the Message field.
  3. Select Email the report as an attachment to enable sending the report to a specified recipient.
  4. Specify to select users or groups from the Report Recipients list.
  5. Select the users/groups to receive the report and click the >> button.
  6. Click Finish after selecting all users/groups to receive the report.