Configuring Endpoint Encryption Users Rules Parent topic

The following procedure explains the configurable options for policy rules that affect authentication and Endpoint Encryption user accounts.


  1. Create a new Endpoint Encryption policy.
  2. Click Users.
    The Users policy rules settings appear.

    Endpoint Encryption Users Policy Rules

  3. If users require domain authentication, select Enable domain authentication under Domain User Settings.
    If you selected Enable domain authentication, specify the server information for your Active Directory (AD) account.
    1. Configure the AD domain name.
    2. Configure the host name of the AD server.
    3. Select the server type:
      • LDAP
      • LDAP proxy
  4. Under User Management, configure user access.
    Option Description
    All Endpoint Encryption users
    Allow all users, domain and local accounts, to authenticate Endpoint Encryption devices.
    Active Directory users
    Allow users from organizational units (OUs) within an AD to authenticate Endpoint Encryption devices.
    Select Enable domain authentication to enable the Active Directory users option.
    To configure domain authentication, see PolicyServer Active Directory Synchronization in the Endpoint Encryption Installation and Migration Guide.
    Select specific users
    Specify which already added Endpoint Encryption users can authenticate to managed endpoints.
    In order to select specific users with this option, you must populate the user list. Add OUs with the Active Directory users option or add users with the Endpoint Encryption Users widget.
    For more information about the Endpoint Encryption Users widget, see Adding Users to Endpoint Encryption.
  5. If you selected Active Directory users, add OUs to the policy by their distinguished name.
    After selecting Active Directory users, the following additional options appear:
    Option Description
    User name
    Specify your Active Directory user name.
    Specify your Active Directory password.
    Distinguished name
    Specify each OU by its sequence of relative distinguished names (RDN) separated by commas.
    Example: OU=TW, DC=mycompany, DC=com
    After specifying the OU distinguished name, click OK.
    Endpoint Encryption supports up to 12 OUs per policy.