
Endpoint Encryption allows administrators to use Trend Micro Control Manager to control PolicyServer and manage Endpoint Encryption agent policies or use Trend Micro OfficeScan to deploy Endpoint Encryption agent software on managed endpoints.

To use Control Manager to manage PolicyServer, you must add PolicyServer as a managed product.


Endpoint Encryption supports only one configured PolicyServer instance in Control Manager at a time. It is not possible to add multiple PolicyServer configurations.

  1. Log on to Control Manager.
  2. Go to Administration > Managed Servers.

    The Managed Servers screen appears.

  3. In the Server Type drop-down list, select Endpoint Encryption.
  4. Click Add.

    The Add Server screen appears.

  5. Specify Server Information options.
    • Server: Specify the PolicyServer host name and the port number. Use the following format:



      Control Manager communicates with PolicyServer Endpoint Encryption Service. The default port number is 8080.

    • Display name: Specify the name for PolicyServer shown in the Managed Servers screen.

  6. Under Authentication, specify the user name and password of the Endpoint Encryption Enterprise Administrator account and the Enterprise specified during PolicyServer installation.
  7. Under Connection, select Use a proxy server for the connection if PolicyServer requires a proxy connection.
  8. Click Save.

    Synchronization between Control Manager and PolicyServer may require several minutes to complete.

    PolicyServer is added as a new managed product to Control Manager.