
Endpoint Encryption allows the update of PolicyServer settings in Encryption Management for Microsoft Bitlocker and Encryption Management for Apple FileVault, even after installation.

  1. To update policy settings for agents where Encryption Management for Microsoft Bitlocker is intalled, perform the following:
    1. On the agent, open a command line window as an administrator.
    2. Navigate to the following path:

      %Program Files%\Trend Micro\FDE Encryption Management

      Verify that the TMFDEForBitlocker.exe file exists on the location.

    3. Type the following commands:

      TMFDEForBitlocker.exe -ChangeServer username=<UserID> password=<Password> newserver=<Newserverhostname>

      TMFDEForBitlocker.exe -ChangeServer eusername=<EncryptedUserID> epassword=<EncryptedPassword> newserver=<Newserverhostname>

      TMFDEForBitlocker.exe -ChangeEnterprise username=<UserID> password=<Password> newserver=<Newserverhostname> newenterprise=<Newenterprisename> newadmin=<Groupadminonnewserver> newpassword=<Passwordforgroupadmin>

      TMFDEForBitlocker.exe -ChangeEnterprise eusername=<EncryptedUserID> epassword=<EncryptedPassword> newserver=<Newserverhostname> newenterprise=<Newenterprisename> newadmin=<eGroupadminonnewserver> enewpassword=<ePasswordforgroupadmin>


      To use encrypted values for user names and passwords generated by CommandLineHelper.exe, replace the argument names with the eusername= and enewpassword= parameters.

  2. To update policy settings for agents where Encryption Management for Apple FileVault is intalled, perform the following:
    1. On the agent, open a command line window as an administrator.
    2. Navigate to the following path:


    3. Type the following commands:

      $sudo SupportTool –ChangeEnterprise username=<UserID> password=<password> newserver=<newserverhostname> newenterprise=<newenterprisename> newadmin=<groupadminonnewserver> newpassword=<passwordforgroupadmin> [skipKeyCheck=<true|false>]

      $sudo SupportTool -ChangeServer eusername=<EncryptedUserID> epassword=<EncryptedPassword> newserver=<newserverhostname>

      $sudo SupportTool -ChangeEnterprise eusername=<EncryptedUserID> epassword=<EncryptedPassword> newserver=<newserverhostname> newenterprise=<newenterprisename> enewadmin=<groupadminonnewserver> enewpassword=<passwordforgroupadmin>


      To use encrypted values for user names and passwords generated by CommandLineHelper.exe, replace the argument names with the eusername= and enewpassword= parameters.

  3. Verify that the changes were applied to the agent.