Under Content, on the Scanning
Conditions screen, select the check boxes next to the parts of a
message to which you want the content conditions to apply.
Click the link that specifies the part of the message to which you want to
configure content conditions.
The Keyword Expressions screen appears with two
Available: Expressions available for use, but not
currently in use.
Selected: Expressions currently in use.
If configuring expressions for the header, select the check boxes next to
the header items where the expression applies.
Click Add.
The screen for managing keyword expressions appears.
Configure the expressions.
In the Available list, click the expression list to
Click >>.
The expressions appear in the Selected
To keep an expression list available but temporarily
prevent IMSS from using it, click the
expression in the selected list, and then click <<.
Click Save to continue to the scanning conditions
selection screen.