Component Descriptions Parent topic

IMSS can use the following components:
Cloud Pre-Filter
Provides message approved and blocked list filters and scanning for spam, viruses, and other threats before the messages reach your network.
Trend Micro Antivirus and Content Filter
Basic scanning and filtering functionality. You can think of this product as the IMSS program itself.
Spam Prevention Solution (SPS)
A built-in filter that helps IMSS identify content typically found in spam.
IP Profiler
IP Profiler allows you to configure threshold settings and determine the action IMSS performs when it detects any of the four potential Internet threats:
  • Spam: Messages with unwanted advertising content.
  • Viruses: Various virus threats, including Trojan programs.
  • Directory Harvest Attack (DHA): A method spammers use to add your user's email addresses to spam databases.
  • Bounced Mail: Messages returned to the sender because the messages were sent with the sender’s domain in the sender address.
Trend Micro Email Encryption
Trend Micro Email Encryption integrates with IMSS to encrypt and decrypt messages and to block messages that cannot be decrypted.
Trend Micro Email Encryption is not available in the IMSS Linux solution.
Regulatory Compliance
Compliance templates provide administrators with regulatory compliance. For a detailed list of available templates, see