Distribution List EUQ Management Parent topic

IMSS enables users to manage the EUQ of distribution lists that they belong to.
Note: You can enable distribution list EUQ management only when using LDAP authentication.
This feature supports the following LDAP server types:
  • Domino
  • Microsoft Active Directory
  • Microsoft AD Global Catalog
When a user requests management rights, IMSS sends a notification to the distribution list address. The notification contains the following information:
  • Requesting user's address
  • Distribution list address
  • Unique, single-use authentication code
  • Authentication code expiration date
    Authentication codes expire after five minutes by default. To specify a new expiration period, add the following section in the imss.ini file:
Only one user can manage the EUQ at any given time. IMSS forces the current user to log off if another user:
  • Requests management rights
  • Chooses to force the current user to log off

Managing Distribution List EUQ Parent topic

Provide the following instructions to the user.
The Distribution List EUQ Management link displays only if you enable this feature.


  1. Log on to your personal Email Quarantine.
  2. Click Distribution List EUQ Management.
    A new screen appears.
  3. Specify the email address of the distribution list.
  4. Click Next.
    A new screen appears and the system sends a notification to the distribution list.
  5. Specify the authentication code provided in the notification.
    The authentication code can be used only:
    • By the requesting user
    • Once
    • Before the specified expiration date
  6. Click Log On.