How Email Reputation Technology Works Parent topic

Trend Micro Email reputation technology is a Domain Name Service (DNS) query-based service. The following process takes place after IMSS receives a connection request from a sending mail server:
  1. IMSS records the IP address of the computer requesting the connection.
  2. IMSS forwards the IP address to the Trend Micro Email reputation DNS servers and queries the Reputation Database. If the IP address had already been reported as a source of spam, a record of the address will already exist in the database at the time of the query.
  3. If a record exists, Email reputation instructs IMSS to permanently or temporarily block the connection request. The decision to block the request depends on the type of spam source, its history, current activity level, and other observed parameters.
The figure below illustrates how Email reputation works.
For more information on the operation of Trend Micro Email reputation, visit