Troubleshooting Messages Appearing on EUQ Parent topic

On the EUQ management console, users can only access the quarantined messages if the administrator configures EUQ to allow access.
To make quarantine areas visible to end users:


  1. Go to Quarantine & ArchiveSettings.
  2. Click the link of the quarantine area that you want to synchronize to EUQ.
  3. Select the check box next to Synchronize all spam and email messages, that do not violate virus, phishing, or Web reputation rules, to the EUQ database (for this area only). This allows end users to view and manage the messages from the EUQ Web console.
    After enabling this option, all non-malicious messages (messages that do not trigger antivirus rules, anti-phishing conditions, or Web Reputation) quarantined in this area synchronize with the EUQ database. This allows end users to view and manage the messages from the EUQ management console.
    End users cannot access malicious messages.