Trend Micro delivers File Reputation Services and Web Reputation
Services to IMSS and smart protection sources.
Smart protection sources provide File Reputation Services by hosting the majority
of the
virus/malware pattern definitions. IMSS clients
host the remaining definitions. The client sends scan queries to smart protection
sources if its own pattern definitions cannot determine the risk of the file. Smart
protection sources determine the risk using identification information.
Smart protection sources provide Web Reputation Services by hosting web reputation
previously available only through Trend Micro hosted
servers. The client sends web reputation queries to smart protection sources to check
the reputation of websites that a user is attempting to access. The client correlates
website's reputation with the specific web reputation policy enforced on the endpoint
determine whether access to the site will be allowed or blocked.
The smart protection source to which the client connects depends on the client's location.
Clients can connect to either Trend Micro Smart Protection
Network or Smart Protection Server.