Step 1: Specify the Route Parent topic


  1. Go to PolicyPolicy List.
    The Policy List screen appears.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Select Other from the drop-down list.
    The Step 1: Select Recipients and Senders screen appears.
  4. Next to This rule will apply to, select incoming messages from the drop-down list.
  5. Click the Recipients link.
    The Select addresses screen appears.
  6. Select Anyone.
  7. Click Save.
    The Step 1: Select Recipients and Senders screen re-appears.
  8. Click the Sender to Recipient link next to Exceptions.
    The Exceptions screen appears.
  9. Under From (sender), type *@* to specify any sender.
  10. Under To (recipient), specify the administrator’s email address.
  11. Click Add.
    The sender-recipient pair appears in the list.
  12. To add other administrators or recipients, repeat steps 9 to 11.
  13. Click Save after you finish adding all the desired recipients.
    The Step 1: Select Recipients and Senders screen re-appears.