
  1. Go to AgentsAgent Management.
  2. In the agent tree, click the root domain icon (icon-root.jpg) to include all agents or select specific domains or agents.
  3. Click SettingsScan SettingsReal-time Scan Settings.
  4. Select the following options:
    • Enable virus/malware scan
    • Enable spyware/grayware scan
      If you disable virus/malware scanning, spyware/grayware scanning also becomes disabled. During a virus outbreak, Real-time Scan cannot be disabled (or will automatically be enabled if initially disabled) to prevent the virus from modifying or deleting files and folders on agent computers.
  5. On the Target tab, configure the following:
  6. Click the Action tab and then configure the following:
  7. On the Scan Exclusion tab, configure the directories, files, and extensions to exclude from scanning.
    For details, see Scan Exclusions.
  8. If you selected domain(s) or agent(s) in the agent tree, click Save. If you clicked the root domain icon, choose from the following options:
    • Apply to All Agents: Applies settings to all existing agents and to any new agent added to an existing/future domain. Future domains are domains not yet created at the time you configured the settings.
    • Apply to Future Domains Only: Applies settings only to agents added to future domains. This option will not apply settings to new agents added to an existing domain.