Only attempts to access Storage Devices generate log data. Security Agents block or allow access to Non-storage Devices as configured but do not log the action.


  1. Go to LogsAgentsSecurity Risks or AgentsAgent Management.
  2. In the agent tree, click the root domain icon (icon-root.jpg) to include all agents or select specific domains or agents.
  3. Click LogsDevice Control Logs or View LogsDevice Control Logs.
  4. Specify the log criteria and then click Display Logs.
  5. View logs. Logs contain the following information:
    • Date/Time unauthorized access was detected
    • Endpoint where external device is connected or where network resource is mapped
    • Endpoint domain where external device is connected or where network resource is mapped
    • Device type or network resource accessed
    • Target, which is the item on the device or network resource that was accessed
    • Accessed by, which specifies where access was initiated
    • Permissions set for the target
  6. To save logs to a comma-separated value (CSV) file, click Export to CSV. Open the file or save it to a specific location.