Select an organization and services to view the information.
This feature is not available for Exchange Online (Inline Mode) and Gmail (Inline Mode).
Feature Adoption Status
Shows whether you have adopted sufficient features for protection against various threats.
  • Good: Feature adoption is sufficient. All features with high (adoption-status-good.png) and medium (adoption-status-part.png) importance are adopted.
  • Partial: Feature adoption is partial. All features with high importance (adoption-status-good.png) are adopted but at least one feature with medium importance (adoption-status-part.png) is not adopted.
  • Warning: Feature adoption is insufficient. At least one feature with high importance (adoption-status-good.png) is not adopted.
If a feature is enabled in at least one policy for a service, Cloud App Security regards the feature as adopted for the service.
"Refresh" button
Allows you to manually check the latest configuration status after you adopt recommended features.
Cloud App Security performs a daily scheduled check instead of updating the status in real time.
Feature Adoption Rate
Shows the proportion of protection features adopted for each service.
Details about feature adoption
Shows the status of feature adoption for protection against each type of threats, including BEC, phishing, ransomware, malicious URL, malicious file, and spam.
Click a threat type and go to the policies to enable the recommended features.