Centrally manage the recipients that receive notifications about policy match or about system-level events.


  1. In Cloud App Security, go to PoliciesGlobal SettingsOther SettingsNotification SettingsRecipient Groups.
  2. Manage the recipients that receive notifications when policy violations take place.
    Apply a recipient group to all policies
    Click recipient-group-appl.png to apply a recipient group to all the existing policies.
    After you apply a recipient group to all policies, the recipient group replaces the original recipients in the policies. Subsequent changes to the recipient group automatically synchronizes to these policies. New polices still use the Default Recipient Group as the notification recipients.
    Add a recipient group
    Click Add to add a recipient group.
    You can add multiple recipients separated by commas (,).
    After a recipient group is added, you can set it as notification recipients in your policies.
    Edit a recipient group
    Click a recipient group name to add recipients to or remove recipients from the group.
    Copy a recipient group
    Click recipient-group-copy.png to copy a recipient group.
    Remove a recipient group
    Click recipient-group-dele.png to remove a recipient group.
    You cannot remove a recipient group that is used in a policy.
  3. Manage the recipients that receive notifications when system-level events take place, such as when a license expires or an access token becomes invalid.
    1. Click System Notification Recipient Group.
    2. Specify the recipients.
      The CLP account is the default recipient.
    3. Click Save.