The Approved Exchange Online Users list specifies the Exchange Online users whose email accounts will be excluded from scanning during policy enforcement when the user is selected as a target in the corresponding policies.


  1. In Cloud App Security, go to PoliciesGlobal SettingsUser-Defined ListsApproved/Blocked Lists, click Exchange Online, and locate the Approved Users section.
  2. Perform the following tasks:
    • Add one or multiple users to the approved users list.
      1. Click + Add.
      2. On the Add Approved User screen that appears, select Advanced Threat Protection or Data Loss Prevention from the Policy Type drop-down list. This determines which type of policies the configured users apply to.
      3. Search and select one or multiple users to add as approved users.
        A maximum of 1,024 users can be added.
        The added users apply only to the policies for the selected organization.
      4. Click Save.
    • Remove one or multiple users from the approved users list.
      1. Select one or multiple users and click Delete.
      2. Click OK.
  3. Click OK.