Network Ports Configuration for Enhanced Security Model with Local Communication Server Parent topic

If you are using the enhanced security model (dual server installation) with Local Communication Server, configure the following network ports for Mobile Security components:
Network Ports
Management Server
Open the following ports:
  • HTTPS port 443 for the following:
    • Inbound connections to Mobile Security server.
    • If you want to add external applications from Google Play.
      The host name for the Google Play store is:
    • If you want to take advantage of Trend Micro's mobile application reputation service (MARS) and see the security information of the uploaded APK files.
      The host name of the MARS server is:
    This is the default HTTPS port number. If you want to change the HTTPS port number that you want to use for Management Server, see Configuring Management Server Settings for the details.
  • HTTP port 80, for the following:
    • License server
      The host name for the license server is:
    • If you use Trend Micro ActiveUpdate server as the update source.
      The host name of the ActiveUpdate server is
Used for accessing the Mobile Security administration Web console.
Management Server
Open the following ports:
  • HTTP port 80 and HTTPS port 443 for the following:
    • If you want to add external iOS apps from Apple App Store
      The host name for the Apple App Store is:
    • If you want to use category-based application control for iOS mobile devices
Used for accessing the Mobile Security administration Web console.
Communication Server
Open HTTP port 8080.
This is the default HTTP port number for the dual server configuration. If you want to change the HTTP port number that you want to use for mobile devices to communicate with the Communication Server during the installation, see Configuring Common Communication Server Settings for the details.
Used for communication between mobile devices and the Communication Server.
Open HTTPS port 4343.
This is the default HTTPS port number for the dual server configuration.
Used for secure communication between mobile devices and the Communication Server.
Open TCP port 2195 for Apple Push Notification service (APNs) server. The hostname of Apple Push Notification Service is
Enables Apple’s APNs server to manage iOS mobile devices.
If you are not using APNs server to manage iOS mobile devices, this port is not required.
Open the TCP port 4343. This is the default port to allow inbound connection to Communication Server from Management Server. If you want to change the HTTP port number that you want to use for mobile devices to communicate with the Communication Server during the installation, see Configuring Common Communication Server Settings for the details.
Establishes a connection between the Management Server and the Communication Server.
Open the TCP port 443.
Establishes a connection between the Local Communication Server and the Cloud Communication Server.
Active Directory
Open one of the following ports:
  • TCP port 389 (Domain Controller) for Management Server
  • TCP port 3268 (Global Category) for Management Server
Used for user authentication using Active Directory.
If you are not using Active Directory to authenticate or import users, this port is not required.
Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) Server
Open HTTP port 80 for Communication Server and iOS mobile devices.
Used for iOS mobile devices enrollment.
If you are not using SCEP server to manage iOS mobile devices, this port is not required.
SQL Server
Open the following ports:
  • TCP port 1433 for Management Server
  • UDP port 1434 for Management Server
TCP port 1433 is the default port to connect to the SQL Server. However, you can also use a different TCP port for SQL server, if required.
Establishes a connection between the Communication Server and the Management Server with the remote SQL server.