Configuring User Notifications Parent topic


  1. Click Notifications & ReportsSettings.
    The Notifications/Reports Settings screen displays.
  2. Select the notifications you want to send to user via email or text message, and then click on individual notifications to modify their contents.
    • To configure email notification messages, update the following details as required:
      • Subject: The subject of the email message.
      • Message: The body of the email message.
      While editing the Message field, make sure to include the token variables <%DOWNLOADURL%> or <%DEVICE_NAME%> and <%VIOLATION%>, which will be replaced by the actual URLs in the email message.
    • To configure text notification messages, update the body of the message in the Message field.
      While editing the Message field, make sure to include the token variables <%DOWNLOADURL%>, which will be replaced by the actual URL in the text message.
  3. Click Save when done, to return back to the User Notifications screen.