Administrator Notifications and Scheduled Reports Parent topic

Use the Administrator Notifications/Reports screen to configure the following:
  • Notifications:
    • System Error—sends email notification to the administrator in case any system abnormality occurs. Token variables <%PROBLEM%>, <%REASON%> and <%SUGGESTION%> will be replaced by the actual problem, reason and the suggestion to resolve the problem.
    • Deactivated Device Administrator for Mobile Security—sends email notification to administrator when Mobile Security is disabled in the Device administrators list on any Android mobile device. Token variable <%DEVICE%> will be replaced by the mobile device’s name in the email.
    • APNS Certificate Expired Warning—sends email notification to administrator one month before the APNs certificate expires.
    • Malware Scan Realitime Log—sends email notification to administrator when the agent detects a malware.
    • VPP Token Expiry Warning—sends email notification to administrator 15 days before the VPP token expires.
    • DEP Token Expiry Warning—sends email notification to administrator 15 days before the DEP token expires.
  • Reports:
    • Devices Inventory Report—is the comprehensive report of all the mobile devices managed by Mobile Security.
    • Compliance Violation Report—is the report of all the mobile devices managed by Mobile Security that do not comply with the configured policy.
    • Malware Detection Report—is the report of all the security threats detected on mobile devices managed by Mobile Security.
    • Web Threat Protection Report—is the report of all the unsafe URLs accessed on mobile devices managed by Mobile Security.
    • Application Inventory Report—is the report of all the apps installed on mobile devices managed by Mobile Security.
    • Devices Enrollment Report—is the report of mobile devices enrollment information managed by Mobile Security.
    • Devices Decommission Report—is the report of mobile devices decommission information managed by Mobile Security.
    • Policy Violation Report—is the report of mobile devices that violate the security policies.