OfficeScan includes a framework
Plug-In Manager that integrates
new solutions into the existing
OfficeScan environment.
To help ease the management of these solutions,
Plug-In Manager provides at-a-glance data
for the solutions in the form of
None of the plug-in solutions currently support IPv6. The
server can download these solutions but will not be able to deploy
them to pure IPv6 OfficeScan clients or
pure IPv6 hosts.
Plug-In Manager delivers two types
of solutions:
Native OfficeScan Features
native OfficeScan features are
licensed separately and activated through Plug-In Manager.
In this release, two features fall under this category, namely, Trend
Micro Virtual Desktop Support and OfficeScan Data Protection.
Plug-in programs
Plug-in programs are
not part of the OfficeScan program. These programs have their own
licenses and are managed mainly from their own management consoles,
which are accessible from within the OfficeScan web
console. Examples of plug-in programs are Intrusion
Defense Firewall, Trend Micro Security (for Mac), and Trend Micro
Mobile Security.
This document provides a general overview of plug-in program installation and
management and discusses plug-in program data
available in widgets.
Refer to the documentation for the specific plug-in program for
details on configuring and managing the program.