Configuring Sources and Users Rules Parent topic

Before you begin

Add a new bandwidth control policy at PoliciesBandwidth RulesAdd New as shown in Adding Bandwidth Rules.
Use the Sources and Users tab to define rules enforced on traffic coming from the designated source IP addresses, source users and groups, and/or source zones.


  1. Click the Sources and Users tab.
  2. Select from the following under Source address:
    • Any: Includes all source addresses. (Default)
    • Select addresses: Displays a list of previously configured source addresses available or to add a new IP address.
    To add new address objects, see Configuring Address Objects.
  3. Select from the following under Users and groups
    Option Description
    Anyone Rule affects all known and unknown users.
    Known users Rule affects authenticated users via captive portal or identified users via transparent authentication. For details about user identification, see About Authentication.
    Unknown users Rule affects users that transparent authentication cannot identify. For details about user identification, see About Authentication
    Selected users Rule affects specified users and groups (local user or LDAP). For details about user management, see End User Management.
  4. Select Enable source zone rules to enable using source zones.
    • Any: Includes all source zones
    • Selected zones: Provides the Add New zone option. For details about adding zones, see Configuring Zone Objects

What to do next

Continue to configure destination rules, as shown in Configuring Destination Rules.