Before proceeding, make sure to configure smart card authentication. For information about configuring smart card authentication, see Configuring Smart Card Authentication in PolicyServer MMC.

Smart card certificates are associated with the user account and the user's assigned group. Once registered, the user can use smart card authentication from any Endpoint Encryption device in that group. Users are free to use any Endpoint Encryption device in their group and do not need to ask for another one-time password.

After assigning a smart card PIN to the user, the user can log on the Full Disk Encryption agent directly with the smart card from the smart card authentication screen in the Full Disk Encryption preboot.

  1. Log on to PolicyServer MMC.
  2. Insert the smart card in the reader.
  3. Connect the reader to the PolicyServer endpoint.
  4. Expand the specific group and then click Users.
  5. Right-click a user and then select Change Password.

    The Change Password window appears.

  6. In the Authentication Method drop-down, select Smart Card.
  7. Specify and confirm the PIN.
  8. In the Select a slot drop-down, select the smart card type.
  9. Click Apply to confirm token authentication.
  10. Click OK to confirm the user account changes.

The smart card is registered to all users in the same group as the selected user.