The following table explains the policies that govern logging on to the File Encryption agent.

Table 1. File Encryption Login Policy Descriptions

Policy Name


Value Range and Default

Authentication Methods Allowed

Specify the allowed type(s) of authentication that can be used.

Fixed, ColorCode, Pin, Smart Card

Default: Fixed

Device Locked Action

Action to be taken when the device is locked.

Time Delay, Remote Authentication

Default: Time Delay

Failed Login Attempts Allowed

Number of failed logon attempts before using Lock Device Time Delay. 0 allows for unlimited attempts.


Default: 5

Legal Notice Display Time


This is a sub-policy of the Legal Notice.

Specify when the configured legal notice is displayed to the user.


The legal notice does not appear for File Encryption 3.1.3 or older agents.

Installation, Startup

Default: Startup

Legal Notice Text


This is a sub-policy of the Legal Notice.

Specify the body of the legal notice.


The legal notice does not appear for File Encryption 3.1.3 or older agents.

Insert File

Default: N/A

Lock Device Time Delay

Lock device for X minutes if user exceeds Failed Attempts Allowed.


Default: 1