The default configuration file used with RemoteInstall is RemoteInstall.conf. Upon extraction, this file resides in the remote.install.splx directory. RemoteInstall.conf is a complex configuration file with many keys. You can use this configuration file in three kinds of deployment:
  • ServerProtect package deployment and installation
  • ServerProtect configuration update
  • Kernel Hook Module (KHM) deployment
For brevity, only the most important configurable keys are listed in the table below. For detailed explanations of keys, see the Administrator’s Guide.

Most frequently used configurable RemoteInstall.conf keys

Indicates the type of deployment to perform.
  • Value 1: ServerProtect package deployment and installation
  • Value 2: ServerProtect configuration file update
  • Value 3: KHM deployment
Indicates the ServerProtect installation path for package deployment.
Activation Code
Used in package deployment. Value is the ServerProtect Activation Code for installation.
Used in configuration file deployment. Indicates configuration file path.