This section describes how to install the KHM package you download from the Trend Micro website. You may also install a new, updated KHM after installing ServerProtect.
During installation, if you receive an error message that a dependent package must be installed, install the required package before you continue.


  1. Log on as root.
  2. To verify that your kernel is supported by the latest version of ServerProtect, visit the following URL:
  3. KHMs are named after their corresponding kernel version. Download the KHM package for your Linux kernel and copy the KHM package to the following directory:
  4. Go to the directory shown above and extract the KHM package using the following command:
    tar xzvf {SPLX version and kernel version}.tar.gz
    The following files are extracted from the package:
    • {kernel version}.md5
    • splxmod-{kernel version}.o
    Trend Micro strongly recommends that you verify the MD5 checksum to make sure the files have been downloaded and extracted intact.
  5. Restart the ServerProtect service by issuing the following command:
    /etc/init.d/splx restart
  6. After the installation, you can access the ServerProtect Web console at:
    http://<host server>:14942
    https://<host server>:14943
    Make sure your Linux system port 14942 or 14943 is already open for ServerProtect access.