You can use the -r parameter to extract RemoteInstall from a single package or from the binary file for a specific Linux kernel version. For example, the following command extracts the remote install tool from the ServerProtect for Linux 3.0 binary file:
After you have accepted the license agreement and have extracted the remote installation program (RemoteInstall), the above command creates a remote.install.splx subdirectory in your working directory. See the following table for a list of files and directories that this subdirectory contains.

RemoteInstall directories

File or Directory
Directory for ServerProtect configuration file deployment. Contains four files:
  • tmsplx.xml — A ServerProtect configuration file. You can modify it for deployment.
  • tmsplx.xml.template — A template file for the above configuration file (tmsplx.xml). If tmsplx.xml becomes corrupt, you can use this template to restore it.
  • xmldeployer — A tool for configuration file deployment.
  • xmlvalidator — A tool for validating values of all keys in tmsplx.xml
Directory for KHM file deployment
The remote install tool
Configuration file for deployment
Template for converting files in .CSV format to .conf