Revise the information in the Client assignment section of RemoteInstall.conf to specify clients for remote deployment. Under this section are two subsections for use in targeting remote computers. Edit the #single deploy section, to set the configuration for a single computer to which RemoteInstall will deploy. Edit the #group deploy section to set configurations for one or more groups of clients. You can use both sections in a single deployment.
The discussion below lists the configuration data that you need to type for a successful deployment.
  • Single Deploy
    Under #single deploy in the Client assignment section of RemoteInstall.conf are 13 configuration items that RemoteInstall must be aware of in order to deploy successfully.

    Client assignment keys in configuration file, single deploy

    1. [x.x.x.x]
    IP address of client
    2. RootPassword
    root password of client
    3. ConnectCM
    Value 1 (the default): register to Control Manager server.
    Value 0: do not register to Control Manager server
    4. CMServerIP
    IP address of Control Manager server
    5. CMServerPort
    connection port of Control Manager server
    (default = 80)
    6. UseProxyAccessCM
    Value 1: use a proxy server to connect to Control Manager server.
    Value 0 (the default): do not use proxy
    7. ProxyServerIP
    IP address of proxy server
    8. ProxyServerPort
    connection port of proxy server
    (default = 80)
    9. ProxyAuthentication
    Value 1: use proxy authentication
    Value 0 (default): do not use
    10. ProxyUserName
    Proxy authentication user name
    11. ProxyPassword
    Proxy authentication password
    12. CMClientName
    Client computer name that displays in Control Manager console.
    Default = IP address of client
    13. CMProductDirectoryName
    Directory name that displays in Control Manager console. Directory is used to group clients.
    Default = “New entity”
  • Group deploy
    For group deployment, all of the lines are identical to those under #single deploy except for the following.

    Client assignment keys in configuration file, group deploy

    Instead of a key for the IP address of a single computer, the first key labels the group of clients to deploy to.
    14. Machine1=x.x.x.x
    In this line (and as many as needed after it), list the IP address of each computer to which RemoteInstall will deploy ServerProtect.
    15. Machine2=x.x.x.x
    (same as above)
    (list as many as needed)
    (same as above)
For ease of reference, Trend Micro suggests starting any group names with an easily identifiable term, such as Sales, RD, and likewise for computer names, for example, Server1, Server2, and so on.